He now has four teeth, (two bottom, two top, and two more tops on the way).
He also has a new favorite hang out spot:
He is trying really hard to learn how to talk and can say "ah oh", "wow", and is trying to say "thank you". One of his favorite games to play is ring around the rosy. He twirls around and around and once in a while he'll actually fall down.
oh my, so so cute! Love the picture of him in the refrigerator that's too funny!
Has David ever told you what we had to do to the fridge when Jim was that age and liked to get into the fridge? Ask him about it. Very cute! Love the video clip!
So cute!
Boy, he sure does look like Dylan.
I love those 4 little toofers in the front! :)
I have enjoyed your comments and have also loved being able to read and get a little look into your lives. SO glad that there is such thing as blogin'
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